New Year, New You. No, Thanks.


Or is it?

Are you over it yet? The “New Year, New You,” “Grab the bull by the horns!” “MAKE THIS THE BEST YEAR EVER!” posts yet?

? I am.

The start of a new year is all about going hardcore. How this is YOUR chance! New beginnings! Capricorn energy! Full moon!

January 1st doesn’t have to bring “New Year, New You!” energy. You won’t forever be stuck in this stage of your life if you don’t set your resolutions and grab the bull by the horns! You are NOT missing out on your only chance! I promise!

@katenorthrup had the best advice that I’ve ever heard about starting something new right now. She says:

❄️ Winter (which January 1st falls in) is a time for reflection & rest

? Starting something new at a time when our bodies don’t actually want to do anything is setting ourselves up for failure

??‍♀️ So instead, take the next few weeks to rest & reflect. What you want more of? What you want less of?

? Then set intentions for how you want to show up in your life

? And in the spring, the season of rebirth and renewal, start something new.


By reading this post today, I know that you are looking for ways to improve your parenting. You’ve likely hit a few speed bumps along your parenting journey and find yourself wondering how someone you love more than life itself can drive you to the brink of insanity.

Maybe you’ve uncovered a dark corner of your soul that emerges through anger and bitterness.

Maybe you’ve even scared yourself with the level of rage that can course through your veins.

And so at the start of a new year, it’s possible that you’ve thought to yourself: This year, I resolve to stop yelling. Or, this year, I will be more patient with my children.

And today, as you rushed your children out of their still-on-holiday-break-sleepiness to hustle to school, you lost your $h*+.

Resolution broken.


Before you start getting down on yourself and convince yourself that you’re a horrible mother and will never get this right, take a deep breath and remember three things:


You can always start again. The year is not ruined. Reflect on the love in your parenting, bring awareness to the messy parts of your parenting, and remember that you are an amazing mother.


Right now, this day – this season – is not the time to start building something new. This is the time of reflection and rest.

Sit with your journal and reflect on what was happening underneath all of the chaos this morning for you.

What emotions were there? What thoughts? What messages? Sit with the discomfort and the pain. Allow yourself to uncover whatever was there. And keep journaling throughout the winter. Keep asking yourself “what else?” What else is coming up for you? What other messages are there?

You’ll have better success if you follow the seasons instead of forcing your body into something new, when all it wants is to rest up for the season of rebirth.


Making a resolution to be a different mother was never the solution. You cannot will your way into being a different person. There are steps you have to take to build a foundation to build upon.

After you’ve done the journaling from above (and you can come back to this exercise frequently), when you are ready, decide on one or two steps you can take that will bring you closer to your goal.

Making a change does not happen over night – it is a process, and the more you can break your desired change down into smaller steps , and implement those steps slowly over time, the greater chance you have of increasing your success rate.

And if you want help with making these changes, I can help. Schedule a FREE discovery call with me to discuss the ways we can work together to help you create the more beautiful version of the life you desire.

Do you follow me on Instagram? You can find more tips and strategies! Head on over to check it out!


Overwhelmed by parenting? Our Stop Yelling & Start Connecting Starter Guide will help you find peace and calm in your parenting, so you can spend less time yelling and more time building a deeper, more meaningful connection with your child. It's a game changer. Get it FREE today!

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